0US1 District of Columbia Authorization to Make Alterations - Conditional 2

District of Columbia Authorization to Make Alterations - Conditional

This Authorization to Make Alterations - Conditional allows a tenant to make alterations to a rental property conditioned upon the approval of the landlord. It is important that this agreement be set out in writing in the event there are future questions or concerns about any alterations.

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District of Columbia
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District of Columbia
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This Authorization to Make Alterations – Conditional is an agreement where a landlord authorizes a tenant to make alterations to rental property conditioned upon approval by the landlord. This authorization can be used when a tenant wishes to paint or wallpaper, add new cabinetry or even add cable or satellite television. A written authorization will prove useful if there are future questions or concerns regarding any alterations made by a tenant.

This Authorization to Make Alterations – Conditional for District of Columbia includes the following:
  • Tenant Information: The name of the tenant, the date the lease was signed and the address of the premises where alterations will be made;
  • Approval: Request for approval to alter the premises according to certain plans and specifications;
  • Conditions: Sets forth the conditions under which the alterations will be accepted;
  • Signature: The landlord must sign and date the authorization.

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This attorney-prepared packet contains:
  1. General Instructions
  2. Authorization to Make Alterations – Conditional for District of Columbia
State Law Compliance: This form complies with the laws of District of Columbia
Number of Pages3
DimensionsDesigned for Letter Size (8.5" x 11")
EditableYes (.doc, .wpd and .rtf)
UsageUnlimited number of prints
Product number#42743

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