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Nebraska Non-Disclosure Agreement (Short Form)

Non-Disclosure Agreement (aka Confidentiality Agreement) for use in Nebraska(Short Form).

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The importance of protecting intellectual property is becoming more crucial every day. Protection of intellectual property is not limited to Fortune 500 companies-it is important for businesses or companies of any size that may be in the process of, or on the cusp of, developing a new product or system that could yield profit. Especially as said development has often cost significant money, time and effort-all of which could be wasted if it was to land in the hands of the competition.

Conducting business in the modern world often necessitates the use of an attorney drafted non-disclosure agreement. You will want to set forth the legal obligations of any persons who have access to your trade secrets, to limit the theft of your proprietary property. Such an agreement will maximize the protection of your intellectual property and ensure enforcement and validity of the non-disclosure agreement. This kind of agreement is often referred to as an NDA or a Confidentiality Agreement.

This packet identifies and explains many key elements in drafting this document; some of the important provisions incorporated herein include the following:

  • Description of the Trade Secrets & Confidential Information: The form and packet identifies the specific subject matter of the agreement, the information which to be protected, in a clear and concise manner so as to maximize protection and understanding between the parties.
  • Conditions of Termination of Non-Disclosure Agreement: The packet sets forth the conditions upon which the non-disclosure agreement may be terminated, settings such conditions forth in the forth you will be using in an explicit and clear manner.
  • Identification of Parties: Provides clear designation and explanation of the parties to the agreement.
  • Identifies Knowledge Held Prior To Entering Into the Agreement: Clarifies what information was known before entering into the non-disclosure agreement and designates which information, if any, will not be included in the terms of the non-disclosure agreement.

Protect your Rights and Property, by using our professionally prepared up-to-date forms.

The packet available here for purchase was prepared and reviewed by an attorney and includes the following:
  1. Description and Information Regarding the Non-Disclosure Agreement content and form;
  2. Nebraska Non-Disclosure Agreement form.
State Compliant: Each state has its own specific requirements for a valid non-disclosure agreement to be enforceable. This form is fully compliant with the governing laws of Nebraska.
Number of Pages2
DimensionsDesigned for Letter Size (8.5" x 11")
EditableYes (.doc, .wpd and .rtf)
UsageUnlimited number of prints
Product number#19651
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